It’s been yet another trip around the sun and that means another yearly celebration of this site’s full founding which is now four years ago! (*)

A great deal has changed in the world since launching this site back in September of 2019. Obviously a great many things would have turned out different had the world not ground to a halt just five months after launching…

Despite all of these obstacles (or perhaps because of them) a great many other wine publications have come into existence as well as the quite mighty rise of Substack where the newsletter and Cul de Cuvée were moved to earlier this year and we couldn’t be happier about that new environment.

Despite how static the world of wine may seem, things are indeed always changing and thus, a publication that covers this world needs to keep up with the times.

We’re happy to note that the wine database continues to expand, now holding over 8,000 wines scored and reviewed. With 60% of these reviews for Spanish wines, this makes one of the most extensive online references for the wines of the country. Do note that while anyone can browse the listings, full reviews are only available for paid subscribers.

This is now a massive amount of information to casually peruse which is why over the summer we worked with our developer to completely overhaul the wine search function. For subscribers there are now very advanced features to search for any specific type of wine from every corner of the world. It’s very tricky to set up a system like this and given how finicky wine details are, it’s easy to get wrong, but we’re very happy with the end results.

Also in terms of search, the Tasting Reports can now be searched as well, which was needed given that, like the wine reviews, these have grown a great deal as well.

And for those looking to Subscribe we’ve expanded the options to meet the needs of our reader base. In addition to a one-year or discounted two-year “Classic” subscription, there’s now a “Pro” subscription. This give subscribers access to advanced functions on the site (especially on the wine search) for people who are working in the wine trade or are advanced consumers of wine. Please view the subscription page for all the details.

Also in terms of subscriptions, a new feature that’s been added is the ability to upgrade and downgrade your subscription. So say you sign up for the Classic but a month in realize you wanted the Pro, you can simply upgrade to Pro via a prorated amount for the remainder of your yearly subscription.

And lastly, in even more subscription news, there’s the option for Gift Subscriptions so if you want to send someone a subscription to the site because you know they’ll love it, that’s easily doable when checking out.

We’re also very happy to have passed 1,400 articles on the site and 50 wine book reviews. There are going to be a great many more to come as well.

We’ll be continuing to provided up-to-date, independent coverage of the wines and regions in Southern Europe and we’ll enjoy having you as part of this journey!

(*) It’s actually the 16th, but that’s a Saturday, so we’re celebrating a bit earlier this year.


4 responses to “The four-year anniversary of”

  1. mpstamm says:

    Congratulations Miquel! I am sure it’s been a ride! The new features are indeed quite useful but the refreshing and unbiased perspective you provide to us, is the most valuable. Best if luck for the next 4 years.

  2. patrickdh says:

    Congrats Miquel. Cheers to the site and the perseverance.

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