
Priorat continues trying to reclaim the Siurana River
by Miquel Hudin | 12-02-2019
Each and every river begins with a single drop of water. It may not be apparent when looking at such mighty torrents as the Amazon or Congo, but somewhere, deep in a far-flung hinterland, one... more »

How to visit the Priorat wine region
by Miquel Hudin | 27-01-2019 ~ 4 Comments
Despite the fact that I travel a lot for writing about wine, when I'm around in Priorat, I'm happy to lead tastings and tours. Sharing such great wines and opening up minds to how much... more »

Mas Doix goes Blanc
by Miquel Hudin | 14-01-2019
It’s no secret that I love the wines produced in DOQ Priorat to no end. But, there are good producers and then there are those who reach that “moreish” level of enjoyment of which, Mas... more »

The wines of Terroir Sense Fronteres
by Miquel Hudin | 12-12-2018
I’ve not been seen outside my tasting room much this year as it was one of those periods when I again took on all the wines of both DOQ Priorat and DO Montsant. The end... more »

A heretic is born: Cellers de Scala Dei – l’Heretge 2016
by Miquel Hudin | 16-10-2018
According to all facts and figures available, the Grenache grape is what dominates the vineyards and production in DOQ Priorat, standing at 39% of the total as of 2017. It used to be a bit... more »

The newest Vi de Finca wines are from Mas d’en Gil
by Miquel Hudin | 08-10-2018
The two newest “Vi de Finca” wines in Catalunya that have been announced are in DOQ Priroat and from Mas d’en Gil. Named, Coma Blanca and Clos Fontà they have been fittingly timed with the... more »

The 2018 Harvest. So far so… normal-ish?
by Miquel Hudin | 24-09-2018
Just once I’ve love to hear some wine promotion body speak of their current harvest and say something along the lines of, “This year? It’s shit. Seriously, don’t drink it. Actually, you won’t be able... more »

Some choice Garnatxes from DOQ Priorat & DO Montsant for #GrenacheDay
by Miquel Hudin | 21-09-2018
In 2010, those who make Grenache decided that the third Friday of September would hence forth be “International Grenache Day”. While initially hatched at an event in France’s Rhône, this has indeed became a thing... more »

A Priorat amber wine to blow the mind – Les Brugueres Antecessor 1997
by Miquel Hudin | 18-09-2018
Over the summer I tasted and scored over 400 wines from DOQ Priorat & DO Montsant. Anyone can receive the full results now for free when buying the books (també en català). It includes a... more »

Priorat’s Terra Dominicata hotel & restaurant arrives
by Miquel Hudin | 04-09-2018
The county of Priorat, in terms of a wine region, is not lacking for places to stay after a day of enjoying the fine wine of DOQ Priorat and DO Montsant. What have been lacking... more »