
Ora Hotel, Priorat’s newest lodging destination

by  |  10-08-2022

Today sees the grand opening of the Ora Hotel in Torroja, a lovely stone village at the dead center of the Priorat wine region. It’s an opening that got quite delayed from its original timeline... more »

The wines of DOQ Priorat 2022

by  |  14-07-2022

The wine industry continues to find itself in a wealth of challenges which is why this report on DOQ Priorat (and its corresponding Tasting Report) was one of the most difficult to put together in... more »

The wines of DO Montsant 2022

by  |  20-06-2022

I’m very happy to be releasing the latest tasting report for DO Montsant today. Over half of the nearly 90 wines tasted resided within the vintage boundaries of 2018, 2019, and 2020. But, with 1/4... more »
Tast de les Mines, Bellmunt

Priorat’s Fira del Vi exceeds all expectations

by  |  04-05-2022

What is perhaps one of the biggest wine events in all of Catalunya or least the biggest for the Priorat region is the annual Fira de Vi that takes place on the first weekend of... more »

Another piece of Priorat history: Fra Fulcó 2001

by  |  30-03-2022

We continue to take a look at special wines available in the Ukraine Charity Wine Auction. Such as this very rare, 21 year-old Priorat wine that is indeed available to bid on only until this... more »

Scala Dei and la Cartoixa 1974

by  |  25-03-2022

Much praise is rightly given to the group of people who came to Priorat, Catalunya in the 1980s and saw not a remote wine region in serious decline, but a wondrous terroir with great possibility.... more »

A deeper look at DOQ Priorat 2019

by  |  17-03-2022

Whenever I can, I put together special tastings upon request in Priorat. They’re often for those visiting who want to sate a general wine curiosity or for dig deeper into a specific theme. In the... more »

The first truffle dog competition in Priorat

by  |  22-02-2022

This past Sunday, the 20th of February, 2022, marked the first ever competition for truffle-hunting dogs in Priorat. While Spain may not be a country known for its truffles, they exist in plentitude throughout all... more »

Pre-tasting DOQ Priorat 2020

by  |  30-11-2021

A feeling washed over me when I was tasting the wines for the DO Tarragona report earlier this year. Despite being exceedingly young wines at the time from a region that’s one of Catalunya’s less... more »

The rebuilding of Priorat’s Vall Llach

by  |  27-10-2021

As was reported back in the middle of January of this year, a historic snowstorm crushed the roof of Vall Llach’s main production cellar, destroying the building in the process. In an update to the... more »