
The Torroja harvest tasting
by Editorial | 02-11-2012 ~ 4 Comments
I was fortunate enough to be in Priorat during the fall harvest party (or festa de la verema) that was put on by L'Infernal and Terroir al Límit this last week, in the small village... more »

The Priorat wine glass
by Editorial | 28-10-2012
There is something to be said for a wine region's fame when it even has stemware specifically designed for it. This is the case of DOQ Priorat in Catalonia, a region that now enjoys its... more »

Breakfast, tweets, and wine in the Priorat
by Editorial | 18-10-2012
Earlier this month, we were invited to to take part in a a "Breakfast & Tweets" meetup at Hostal Sport in Falset, Priorat put together by two of the most active promoters of enotourism in... more »

A winding road to Mas Sinén
by Editorial | 12-10-2012
Upon arriving in the charming 12th century village of Poboleda, in the middle of Priorat, the exact direction you need to go in order to get to Mas Sinén (where Celler Burgos Porta is located)... more »

La Quinta Essència dels Llops
by Elia VS | 02-10-2012
While we where in Priorat last weekend, our friend-in-blog, Ruth Troyano tipped us off to a promising event at the Falset castle, a historic building that has been turned in to a wine museum dashed... more »

Tasting Clos Figueras
by Editorial | 19-07-2012
On our first day while staying at Hostal Sport, we took a quick jaunt up to Clos Figueras which exemplifies most everything that's good about Priorat. Honestly, prior to heading there, I was suspecting that... more »

In the Glass: Bodegas Mas Alta – Els Pics 2009
by Miquel Hudin | 11-06-2012
It's easy to fall in to the trap of the familiar when it comes to your nightly meal wine. Drinking what you know you like is always the easy way out and we guiltily ascribe... more »