
On Catalan Independence and wine
by Miquel Hudin | 29-09-2014
With Catalan president, Artur Mas signing the authorization for the non-binding Catalan Independence Referendum on Saturday, it's opened up a cyclone of questions, mainly due to the fact that Spain, unlike the more enlightened United... more »

A new Poboleda villager, Brots Restaurant
by Miquel Hudin | 13-09-2014
Despite being awash in world class wines from both DOQ Priorat and DO Montsant, it's no secret that the Priorat comarca in which both of these wine regions reside does not have a great wealth... more »

Sitting down with Fredi Torres
by Editorial | 18-08-2014
Fredi Torres is a busy guy. If you follow his Instagram you'll see that he'd often traveling, drinking good wine, eating good food, or just dealing with an overabundance of tomatoes. All joking aside, the... more »

To somm or not to somm
by Miquel Hudin | 11-08-2014
At the end of last week I was having a meal with friends in the Priorat village of Porrera at La Cooperativa. The friends in question happened to be Albert and Roger of Vall Llach... more »

A further history of Priorat’s “clos” wineries
by Miquel Hudin | 02-08-2014
When we started researching the first edition of our Priorat book two years ago, one of the big goals was to unravel all the various versions of history that are known to crisscross DOQ Priorat.... more »

For a fresh summer, White Grenache
by Miquel Hudin | 24-06-2014
As if to emphasize just how "fresh" summer can be, it's pouring rain and about 24C while I write this article, which is a slightly adapted version from my wine column. But, suffice to say,... more »

The tastes of Priorat
by Miquel Hudin | 04-06-2014
I'm often in the Catalan comarca of Priorat. A large part of the reason is due to the Priorat book, new Montsant book, or taking small groups of visitors around on the occasional wine tours.... more »

Tast del Decenni of 2004 in 2014
by Miquel Hudin | 10-05-2014
Last week I was one of the lucky few to be invited to the annual Tast del Decenni in the Priorat comarca. Essentially what this is, is a taste of the wines from a decade... more »

A wine run: The first Priorat marathon
by Miquel Hudin | 14-04-2014
There will indeed be grunting, cursing, and probably very little drinking as the runners in the first Priorat Marathon make their way from Falset over to the village of Porrera on October 4th. Then, after... more »

A tale of Two Drunks
by Miquel Hudin | 11-12-2013
In our Priorat book 99.1% of the wines have full DOQ Priorat certification. For those unfamiliar with the strict Denomination of Origin standards, this means that the wines are made from grapes only within the... more »