
Gettin’ Grenachey – Cellers de Scala Dei & RAR
by Miquel Hudin | 21-07-2016
There are those who, if a wine hasn't spent at least a year in the finest French oak and isn't from the finest block of vines, then they consider it to have little worth. Honestly,... more »

Cooperatives, terroir, and finding place in 21st Catalonia
by Miquel Hudin | 05-07-2016
Previously, I wrote about the rise of the small cellars in DO Montsant which, unsurprisingly was well-received by those in this DO who have been working hard to present a unified front of quality wines... more »

The rebirth of the Escanyavella grape in Priorat
by Miquel Hudin | 20-05-2016
There existed many old grape varieties in Catalonia; many of them in much greater numbers before phylloxera. In the days that followed this catastrophic attack to European winemaking there was something of a viticultural reckoning... more »

Taking a balanced look at the Priorats
by Miquel Hudin | 16-05-2016
Whether viewing it as a yolk and its white or a donut and its hole, it's hard not to see DOQ Priorat and DO Montsant closely linked given that the latter wraps nearly completely around... more »

RIP Philippe Geeraert
by Miquel Hudin | 02-05-2016 ~ 1 Comment
I'm thoroughly unclear on what the objective of 2016 is other than to methodically kill off everyone involved with the wine world. With a string of high-profile winemakers dying in France as well as Zlatan... more »

Discovering “Garnatxa del Po”
by Miquel Hudin | 27-04-2016
Clos 93 is one of those cellars in DOQ Priorat that exemplifies how the winemakers in this appellation are more closely resembling those in Burgundy than anywhere else in Spain. With just 12,000 bottles a... more »

Color me unsurprised, Wine Folly gets Priorat dead wrong
by Miquel Hudin | 12-04-2016 ~ 4 Comments
There's usually not too much to be gained in pointing out someone else's errors. At best, people see you as a smart ass. At worst, they see you as an asshole. Essentially, some varying shade... more »

And the Porrera wine gang was all there
by Miquel Hudin | 01-04-2016
As was usually when coming in from one of the trails around the village of Porrera, my dog had spotted a cat and ran off through the houses. We've been through this game many times... more »

D. Russell Smith, a Texan in the vineyards of Montsant
by Miquel Hudin | 29-03-2016
When researching the book for DO Montsant, I did everything I could to uncover every wine that was being made with any degree of seriousness within the appellation. This took me to all the far-flung... more »

Support “Uvas Veloces” and get tasty Grenache wines
by Editorial | 18-03-2016
For those who don't know Verkami, it's startup based in Catalonia that, while something of European take on Kickstarter in the US, has it's own angle, specifically in terms of funding wine projects. We've pitched... more »