
Álvaro Palacios en primeur 2016
by Miquel Hudin | 29-05-2017
Due to research for another another article with Meininger’s, I paid a visit to Álvaro Palacios last month for a chat and, being the consummate showman that he is (the classy booklet above was for... more »

Tast del Decenni of 2007 in 2017
by Miquel Hudin | 11-05-2017
What is now my fourth sojourn into the world of Priorat wine with a decade to its name, I attended the Tast del Decenni or “Decade Tasting” last week. You can read the notes of... more »

Tast del Decenni of 2007 DOQ Priorat
by Miquel Hudin |
Following are the tastings notes for the 2007 DOQ Priorat wines. Please read my reflections on this tasting and the vintage as a whole first. Not that while I’m quite happy normally using my three... more »

Tast del Decenni of 2007 DO Montsant
by Miquel Hudin |
Following are the tastings notes for the 2007 DO Montsant wines. Please read my reflections on this tasting and the vintage as a whole first. Not that while I’m quite happy normally using my three... more »

Another great year in the square for Nit de les Carinyenes
by Miquel Hudin | 02-05-2017
Nit de les Carinyenes (“The night of the Carignans”) just saw its 9th edition last week. For those who sadly may yet be unaware of this event, it’s put on yearly by the Porrera Cellars... more »

Building a wine & the art of the blend
by Miquel Hudin | 21-02-2017
There are those that say winemaking is an art, but in truth, making the wine is a relatively simplistic process as it just comes down to letting grape juice ferment. Sure, there are many more... more »

Sangenís i Vaqué – Lo Bancal de Granatxa 2015
by Miquel Hudin | 31-01-2017
Across the square from my home sits the family winery of Sangenís i Vaqué. It was founded by Pere Sangenís and his wife, Conxita Vaqué, who have run it for years, thus the quite reasonable... more »

A review of “Priorat” (The Movie!)
by Miquel Hudin | 07-11-2016 ~ 7 Comments
The opening night of the Most Festival saw the premiere of, "Priorat" a documentary created to tell the story of the rebirth of a wine region that nearly faded in to the sands of time.... more »

Bridging wine’s language silos
by Miquel Hudin | 30-09-2016
Vinum is a wine shop in my adopted village of Porrera where it's usually the mother of the family that owns it, Cori who you'll find behind the counter. She's from the next county over,... more »

In The Glass: Uvas Veloces 2015
by Miquel Hudin | 12-08-2016
Sometime back we'd posted about supporting the Uvas Veloces project on the Catalan version of Kickstarter, Verkami. We're not sure if it was our mention or a general curiosity for people to taste this wine... more »