A book review of, “Eastern Promise”
by Miquel Hudin | 06-09-2023
Over the summer arrived the fourth installment of the pseudonymous Peter Stafford-Bow's Felix Hart series called, "Eastern Promise". If you don't know these books, I suggest to go back and read through my reviews of:... more »
A book review of “Firing Blancs”
by Miquel Hudin | 12-10-2020
I mention it often as it seems an unchanging fact, but fiction in wine writing is a rare beast. Quality fiction is something even rarer. And being able to write a sequel is but the... more »
A book review of “Brut Force”
by Miquel Hudin | 05-08-2020
Last year I reviewed the first book in the Felix Hart series of novels called, “Corkscrew”. My review was admittedly not too kind as while the book was a fun, lighthearted take down of the... more »
A book review of “Corkscrew”
by Miquel Hudin | 21-11-2019
The pursuit of writing fiction set in the world of wine is a noble albeit generally futile one. I’ve reviewed previous attempts and it’s often the case that the author is trying to just slap... more »