Mustard, Napa has it

Seeing the Napa Valley of now

by  |  26-03-2018 ~ 2 Comments

This past February, the impossible happened: I actually slept in Napa Valley. In fact, I slept seven nights and passed an entire week within the confines of these world-famous vineyards bracketed by the Mayacamas and... more »

“Wine lies” are still lies

by  |  03-01-2017

My plans for New Years were probably similar to those not terribly game for the evening which was to say, chilling with my dog and a bottle of Champagne from the “decent” range. But, at... more »

Traveling with wine & peace of mind: The VinGardeValise

by  |  27-06-2016

If I'm traveling, I pretty much always find myself traveling with wine and doing what I assume most people did which was to wrap bottles in my dirty laundry on the way back. Beyond a... more »

Rocking the Wine Cradle

by  |  08-04-2016

Awhile back I was sent a sample of this "Wine Cradle" from the Danish design group, Heveas. Of course I should add that somewhere en route to Spain, it vanished and so I was sent... more »

Dumb SUV driver wipes out old vines

by  |  11-03-2016

Last weekend, a group of retired Barcelonians, out on a weekend jaunt in an undoubtedly ridiculous SUV destroyed a number of old vines when they drove in to a field claiming that they were "looking... more »
The village of Porrera, seen from above

Who speaks what when visiting Priorat?

by  |  22-02-2016 ~ 3 Comments

Sometime back on the Facebook page of Vinologue, a student in Madrid sent a message infuriated that the official website of DOQ Priorat wasn't available in Spanish. Back then as it is now, you could... more »
Lovely in presentation as as well as flavor

In The Glass: Fernando de Castilla – Fino Antique

by  |  08-02-2016

When attending the Sherry Educators course last fall, I tried to schedule visits with some of the Sherry cellars in Jerez to round out my general knowledge of this lovely beverage by tasting as much... more »

Santorini, Assyrtiko, & Gaia

by  |  27-01-2016

If you don't know the wines from the island of Santorini in Greece, just remember two things: the white grape, Assyrtiko and the flavor, delicious. That delicious part is pretty easy to remember but Assyrtiko... more »
Terrace overlooking the countryside

Riberach wine hotel, Roussillon

by  |  25-01-2016

To know the land of Roussillon is not to drive briefly through it, deftly avoiding Perpignan via the A9 highway either heading to adventures more northern in France or more southern in Spain. The real... more »

The rest of 2016

by  |  05-01-2016

Continued from yesterday, a few more observations about what's to come in 2016 in general and outside of Catalonia. Southern France I just received an email from Michel Blanc in Châteauneuf going on at length... more »