For anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of visiting Mas Doix (pronounced doash) up in Poboleda, it’s a worthwhile trip. You’ll get someone in the family who will show you around and odds are that it will be Valentí who is both a charming and gracious host. My first experience when researching the first edition of the Priorat book in 2012 had Valentí take us up in to the hills just outside of the village to see their old vineyards and then share a bit of coca while running through a tasting their current vintages ending with the top of the line, Doix which a 55/45 blend of Carignan and Grenache.

At the time, it was one of those visits you wish didn’t end and we left with a wonderfully orchestrated symphony of flavors on our palates. Shortly after this they decided to release their “1902” top-of-the-top wine. This is a selection of the three best barrels of the Doix with only 850 bottles made each year. The name comes from the year that the old vineyard was planted which at the time of this writing makes it 113 years old. Not too shabby and even less so by the fact that it’s old vine Carignan which, at this age is unlike anything you’re accustomed to tasting.

With the release of the second edition of the book imminent, I realized that a personal visit to get a hit of this wine should be in order. Finding Valentí during the recent Poboleda Vins event he relented and we sat down in the tasting room when he had a moment between guests. Naturally the wine didn’t disappoint which is a general theme of the Mas Doix wines. The price however isn’t something for the feint of heart clocking in at 200€ a bottle. This definitely puts it out of my general drinking reach as well as for many other people but if you do indeed have the means or want something very special, it’s worth checking out.

It’s important to note that Valentí “insisted” that I taste the Mas Doix 1999, 2001, 2007, and 2010 vintages as well. I don’t see this option on their visit options but if he offers, pounce quickly and open your mouth wide for some “wow”.


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