
Why wine service matters
by Miquel Hudin | 27-09-2019
I've been to a restaurant in Sant Gregori, Girona for several extended family meals on various days for these simple reasons: the food is quite good (see above), it's not far-flung from civilization, and the... more »

Perhaps a #dryjuly for the future?
by Miquel Hudin | 28-08-2019 ~ 4 Comments
When living in Spain, July and August mark the time of year that I patently hate as everything grinds to a halt--doubly so when there are the now annual strikes at the airport. While August... more »

The Amphora Project
by Miquel Hudin | 01-09-2018
Everyone knows everyone in Catalunya’s Priorat region but after living there on and off for two years, for some reason I didn’t know Albert. He was the assistant winemaker at a prominent winery and had... more »

The cost of tea, the cost of coffee
by Miquel Hudin | 20-07-2011
I'm an admitted tea drinker and I'm quite happy with that. I do sometimes splurge and go out for a cup of coffee at somewhere like Hooker's Sweet Treats [sadly closed in 2019]. Naturally, I... more »

The Best Croissants Outside of France: Part I
by Miquel Hudin | 11-03-2010
To be honest, I have no idea if there will ever be anymore parts to this series, but I just wanted to leave the door open to it, since I have a lot of world... more »

El Born or el Borne neighborhood in Barcelona?
by Miquel Hudin | 12-02-2010
For those who aren't yet aware of the fact, Barcelona--and for that matter Catalunya as a whole--is officially a fully bilingual region no matter what right-wing Spanish media says to the contrary. This seems to... more »

A recipe for pancakes in Metric
by Miquel Hudin | 20-01-2010
Every time I tried to make pancakes when visiting Europe from the US (prior to moving permanently) things went a bit, well, screwy. Because of this, I finally sat down and properly weighed and measured... more »

Going to Barcelona, No Not Barthelona… The truth about the Spanish “lisp”
by Miquel Hudin | 14-01-2010
Ah, traveling. Is there anything better? Well, sure, but for its purposes, getting out of your permanent place of residence is one of the best things I look forward to each year. This time around,... more »