Wine Book Reviews

A book review of “43 Wine Regions”

by  |  15-08-2018

Author, Michael Biddick sets out with an interesting proposal to analyze the world’s wine regions and essentially generate a group of 43 that encapsulate what is wine in the world, thus the title, “43 Wine... more »

A book review of “The 24-Hour Wine Expert”

by  |  02-08-2018

“The 24-Hour Wine Expert” by Jancis Robinson MW came out over two years ago so one would ask as to why I’d bother reviewing it now? Quite simply that in a time of fake news,... more »

A book review of “The Concise Guide to Wine & Blind Tasting 2nd Ed.”

by  |  11-07-2018

There’s not much point in beating around the proverbial bush as, if you want to gain a massive leg up on tasting wines blind, run out now and pick up a copy of Dr. Neel... more »

A book review of “Supra – A feast of Georgian cooking”

by  |  16-12-2017

In my house, the recipes that reign supreme are those of Ottolenghi. They’re insanely intimidating at first given the ingredient list, but they’re not actually that hard to make. Once you’ve sourced the ingredients (Yotam... more »

A book review of “Essi Avellan’s Champagne”

by  |  16-08-2017

What I know of Champagne is purely by obligation. In sommelier studies and other wine courses, given its dominance in the sparkling wine world, Champagne is required knowledge and I know as much as it... more »

A book review of “In Vino Duplicitas”

by  |  08-08-2017

The entire Rudy Kurniawan affair was sordid and I’ve read countless articles about the story since it broke years and years ago. Despite this, Peter Hellman’s new book, “In Vino Duplicitas” brought out many bits... more »

A book review of “Cork Dork” by Bianca Bosker

by  |  13-02-2017

For some time I’ve been reading articles written by Bianca Bosker about certain aspects of the wine world. While positing topics that have no end of potential (such as “Is there a better way to... more »

A book review of “Southern Spirits”

by  |  10-01-2017

“Southern Spirits: Four Hundred Years of Drinking in the American South, with Recipes” is a lofty book in that the author, Robert F. Moss looks to take on the entire history of the American South... more »

A review of “The Oxford Companion to Wine 4th Ed.”

by  |  11-01-2016

So 2015 saw two big firsts for me. I adopted my first dog (the new star of my personal Instagram as well as his own.) The second was that I bought my first copy of... more »

A book review of “Sherry: A Modern Guide”

by  |  02-12-2015

This book has me conflicted and suffice to say, that is probably why it's taken me so long to get around to reviewing it as I've had it for a couple of years now. In... more »