Wine Book Reviews

A book review of “Wines of the Rhône”

by  |  22-04-2021

If you’ve been around the wine blogging scene for any amount of time, you’ll know that “success stories” are far and few between which is why Matt Walls’s new book from publisher Infinite Ideas, Wines... more »

A review of “Le Nez du Vin – Oak”

by  |  01-03-2021

For those not familiar with Le Nez du Vin, this is a series of aroma and learning tools created by, Jean Lenoir, a Frenchman originally from Burgundy who has been a wine educator most of... more »

A book review of “Wine for Normal People”

by  |  18-01-2021

Writing an introductory text on wine is no small feat. A book that takes someone from, “Sure, I like wine, top me off!” to “Lemme breakdown the Médoc for you.” is a journey spanning two... more »

A book review of “On Bordeaux”

by  |  18-12-2020

If there is one abusive phrase towards literature above all others it’s, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Thankfully, when it comes to the new book, On Bordeaux, I would say that you can... more »

A book review of “Firing Blancs”

by  |  12-10-2020

I mention it often as it seems an unchanging fact, but fiction in wine writing is a rare beast. Quality fiction is something even rarer. And being able to write a sequel is but the... more »

A book review of “The Cocktail Dictionary”

by  |  14-09-2020

Lord knows we’re not suffering from a short supply of cocktail books these days. While “The Savoy Cocktail Book” from forever and ago was one of the main references in this field, we’re now amidst... more »

A book review of “English Wine”

by  |  01-09-2020

Four years ago, during the International Cool Climate Wine Symposium in Brighton, England, I attended an English still wine tasting led by Oz Clarke. It was fascinating to see the state of the increasingly-popular English... more »

A book review of “Platter’s South African Wine Guide 2020”

by  |  12-08-2020

South Africa has been having a tough go of it recently in terms of alcohol but especially when it comes to the wine industry. I made a video a few weeks back expecting it to... more »

A book review of “Brut Force”

by  |  05-08-2020

Last year I reviewed the first book in the Felix Hart series of novels called, “Corkscrew”. My review was admittedly not too kind as while the book was a fun, lighthearted take down of the... more »

A book review of “The Goode Guide to Wine”

by  |  08-07-2020 ~ 2 Comments

"The Goode Guide to Wine" is the newest book from long-time wine blogger, prolific and well-regarded British author, Jamie Goode that sees release in September. Having a PhD in plant biology, most of his books... more »