Catalan Wines

Cava, the good and the ugly
by Editorial | 05-01-2015
Cava, the (generally) Catalan sparkling wine is a tricky beast and two little news items came about recently to illustrate this point incredibly well. First, the ugly one which is that in this post-New Year's,... more »

Returning to the original grape
by Miquel Hudin | 29-12-2014
Last Friday in the Guardian, an article ran about the efforts to save the native wine grapes of the world. It focused mostly on Spaniard, Fernando Martínez de Toda and his quest to preserve what... more »

A non-stuffy reason to drink red wine
by Editorial | 13-12-2014
It's the time of year when you start reading articles about how to avoid colds and flus (you probably can't) and start taking no end of supplements that supposedly ward off the pesky viruses (they... more »

The 2014 Priorat harvest
by Miquel Hudin | 06-12-2014 ~ 1 Comment
At the beginning of May I stopped in to visit a garagiste winemaker friend in the Catalan village of Capçanes. He was out removing excess growth in his small two-hectare vineyard of Garnatxa Peluda (Lladoner... more »

Here comes the Vi Novell
by Miquel Hudin | 03-11-2014
As you read this, the first olives are being pressed and bottled as oli nou--an atomic bomb of liquid gold that sells out fast. In meat-related news, the first pigs of the season are traditionally... more »

Alcoholic superhero red wine also fights acne
by Editorial | 29-10-2014
For those still in the, "I really need a reason to drink wine" here comes yet another, acne. Apparently, in addition to simply being damned delicious, red wine, when drank while using acne treatment, helps... more »

Uvas Nómadas: Garnacha de Ávila 2013
by Editorial | 25-10-2014
Last Fall we participated in Verkami campaign to recuperate some old vines and make a wine from them in the Àvila region. There were a variety of levels to pledge and we went with the... more »

The late harvest
by Miquel Hudin | 01-10-2014
Currently we're deep in the middle of harvest. This year it started a bit earlier and there were wineries in Penedès and Empordà who were picking their grapes at the very beginning of August. As... more »

Introducing the Shiba Sommelier
by Editorial | 30-09-2014
Normally, if we want to highlight an Instagram about wine we put it on that article, but every so often one pops up which is worthy of attention in its own right and thus we... more »

On Catalan Independence and wine
by Miquel Hudin | 29-09-2014
With Catalan president, Artur Mas signing the authorization for the non-binding Catalan Independence Referendum on Saturday, it's opened up a cyclone of questions, mainly due to the fact that Spain, unlike the more enlightened United... more »