Catalan Wines
To somm or not to somm
by Miquel Hudin | 11-08-2014
At the end of last week I was having a meal with friends in the Priorat village of Porrera at La Cooperativa. The friends in question happened to be Albert and Roger of Vall Llach... more »
Revisting Châteauneuf
by Miquel Hudin | 07-08-2014
Earlier this year, during the dark, cold months of February, I hopped on a speedy train to Montpellier to attend Vinisud 2014. An absolute must for any wine professional, it made me expect more of... more »
You say “lip stinger”, I say no
by Miquel Hudin | 20-07-2014 ~ 2 Comments
I'm not sure why I'm such a pedantic twit when it comes to wine grape names. I suppose it's because all European grapes have a name that typically means something whether it's the place they're... more »
Vinisud 2014
by Miquel Hudin | 11-03-2014
At the beginning of February a friend of mine asked me if I was going to Vinisud in Montpellier, France this year. I told him that I hadn't honestly thought about it. After seeing that... more »
Two wine fairs, one weekend, worlds apart
by Editorial | 12-09-2013
Over the past weekend, we managed to visit not one but two wine fairs. The first (pictured on the right) was the Mostra del Vi de l'Empordà in Figueres, Catalonia which, despite being in its... more »
The best bar in Paris
by Miquel Hudin | 20-08-2013
Going out for a drink in Paris is not for the light of wallet. A cocktail will be around 10€ and a glass of wine will start at 5€ in any basic café. For some,... more »
by Editorial | 18-08-2013
A collection of nifty wine and travel bits from around the interwebs. Paris Pricing Insanity On our recent trip up to Paris, we found the murder the they get away with on wine prices with... more »
In Paris, Rosé time is happening right now
by Miquel Hudin | 16-08-2013 ~ 2 Comments
I was once told by an importer that in New York, rosé wine is a great wine to have in your catalog if you manage to sell out of all of it in the two... more »
The vineyards of Belleville Park in Paris
by Miquel Hudin | 12-08-2013 ~ 1 Comment
For those that have walked about the Belleville neighborhood in Paris, you know it to be something of a varied and colorful neighborhood. It lacks that grand "Parisian" quality that so many lend to the... more »
A life sans caviste is not living at all
by Editorial | 09-08-2013 ~ 3 Comments
There are two definitions for the French word, "caviste". The first is the enological one in that it is the person in charge of the cellar. The second would be easy to translate simply as... more »