French Wines

Lavinia wine theft & ridiculous wines

by  |  07-04-2015 ~ 1 Comment

The first time I stepped in Lavinia in Madrid, I thought, "Wow, what a selection. It'd suck if someone walked out with some of it." Turns out someone must have heard me as thieves made... more »

Going for some Vin’Aquí in Roussillon

by  |  27-03-2015

While there are many wine fairs in Spain, they're generally a spotty affair wherein the winemakers pay a great deal to attend, the attendees have to buy booklets of "drinking" tickets that make each tasting... more »

Torelló’s Cava & the Cabernet Sauvignon problem

by  |  22-03-2015

The Girona chapter of the Catalan Sommelier Association was gracious enough to invite me to attend one of their vertical tastings of a Cava and a red from the cellar Torelló in DO Penedès last... more »

Domaine de Nalys

by  |  16-03-2015

It was a bit over a year ago that I encountered Domaine de Nalys at Vinisud in Montpellier. The wines stood out as they had more white wines than any other winery and on top... more »

In The Glass: Domaine de Clovallon – Palagret 2012

by  |  14-03-2015

I spent the better part of this week just north of Manchester, furthering my wine education (as any who are serious in the study must do) at the very lovely Northcote hotel & restaurant. On... more »

The Monvínic wine universe

by  |  14-02-2015

Amazingly it seems, I've never fully written up anything on this site about Monvínic, the renown wine bar in Barcelona. I've definitely been there plenty but being that it's something of a place for people... more »

The young Châteauneuf in Domaine la Barroche

by  |  23-12-2014

I initially met Julien Barrot at Vinisud 2014. I came away with a good impression of this young winemaker as well as a bottle sample that was enjoyed with writer and sommelier friends here in... more »

Label Grand Karakterre 2014

by  |  08-12-2014 ~ 1 Comment

Anyone within reach of Ljubljana, Slovenia or Zagreb, Croatia should set aside time this Friday and Saturday to attend the Label Grand Karakterre fair. This Central & Southeastern European fair of organic/natural wines is in... more »

Chêne Bleu

by  |  24-11-2014

Despite what seems like a simple line drawing map on their website that could lead you astray when arriving at the winery, Chêne Bleu, it is surprisingly easy. It may not seem so as first... more »

The future of wine, is seemingly up

by  |  19-11-2014 ~ 1 Comment

For anyone who hops around the wine world, you start to notice a common thread which is that the highest elevation vineyards produce some of the most interesting wines. It's not a fact that they... more »