Armenian Wines
Mount Ararat and new vineyards

An introduction to Armenian wines

by  |  01-11-2016 ~ 5 Comments

Armenia, along with Georgia, Azerbaijan, Northern Iran, and Eastern Turkey all form this "Cradle of Wine" region in the Caucasus Mountains where we currently believe the winemaking we know today to have started. Georgia has... more »

Saperavi’s untapped ageability

by  |  19-10-2016

The Republic of Georgia producers about 100 million liters annually. This barely places them in the Top 25 of wine producing countries and given that about 75% of this total is white wine, you can... more »

The Grapes of Spain

by  |  28-09-2016 ~ 2 Comments

If there is one native Spanish grape that a typical wine drinker will know, it is Tempranillo, and for most consumers, the story ends there. In the second half of the 20th century, it was... more »

DO Méntrida – Grenache beyond Toledo’s shadow

by  |  11-11-2015

The Grenache Belt of Southern Europe slithers around the blue waters of the Mediterranean until it snaps sharply to the center of Spain. There, this belt ends with a weather-worn buckle of a region just... more »

Tast del Decenni of 2004 in 2014

by  |  10-05-2014

Last week I was one of the lucky few to be invited to the annual Tast del Decenni in the Priorat comarca. Essentially what this is, is a taste of the wines from a decade... more »