Catalan Wines

DO Cava releases new zones, tweaks, & a fresh serving of brand-new names

by  |  23-07-2020

So, it took about two years. This was time DO Cava spent consulting and figuring out how to release a zone and subzone classification scheme. This is no small feat given that the idea is... more »

Bell Cros, where paths meet in DO Montsant

by  |  10-07-2020

In goes without saying that Stockholm is further from Barcelona just as Barcelona is further from Priorat. And, Barcelona is farther from the Priorat county than its capital, Falset is from the Aiguasals paratge that’s... more »

The wines of DO Empordà in 2020

by  |  16-06-2020

In years past and in times not like these, whenever visiting Alt Empordà in the far northeast of Catalunya, I’d try to find a way to have a drink on the terrace of the Almadraba... more »

2020, the gift that keeps on giving

by  |  11-06-2020

Starting in March it became readily apparent that 2020 was going to be a real slog for wine. When restaurants, bars, and hotels are closed due to a global pandemic, wine doesn’t sell which is... more »

Understanding the Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2010-2017 vintages via Domaine la Barroche

by  |  09-06-2020

I seem to have a knack in catching Julien Barrot of Domaine la Barroche at awkward moments whenever I’m in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. When I first profiled their cellar, I stopped by while the whole family was... more »

Xarel·lo: A modern rockstar

by  |  05-06-2020

Xarel·lo is the only grape in the world spelled with a (·) or punt volat, something of a thumb to the nose of “the man”. Then it, proudly presents a middle finger to all English... more »

The wines of DO Montsant in 2020

by  |  28-05-2020

Someone possessing a mild gift of foresight would have bought stock in the company, Zoom at the beginning of last December. Someone of even greater foresight would have bought vineyards in what became the DO... more »

Vischoqueña, el Valle de Cinti, & Bolivian wines

by  |  04-05-2020

There has thankfully emerged a subset amongst wine geeks who are those with the curiosity to seek out this fine beverage being made in any and every corner of the world, whether that be near... more »

The wines from Xarel·lo in Penedès 2020

by  |  20-04-2020

Workhorse. Backbone. Structured. Aromatic. Evolving. These are but a few words one can put forth when talking about the grape, Xarel·lo and they’re all true–even if some people might say them with a curled lip... more »

An overview tasting of Bordeaux 2017

by  |  09-04-2020

Living in Spain is great, especially if you love Spanish wines as much I do. The issue is that the wine world doesn’t revolve around Spain. This means that you need to stay abreast of... more »