Catalan Wines

The Fòrum Gastronòmic Girona

by  |  06-03-2013

In the land of awesome, all-encompassing events in Spain, the Fòrum Gastronòmic (or Fórum Gastronómico if you're in to that whole Castilian thing) ranks up towards the top. There are tons of smaller, local events... more »

Rendez-vous: Telmo Rodríguez at Moritz’s bar-à-vins

by  |  26-02-2013

We've been huge fans of the Bar-à-vins [sadly now defunct] in the Moritz beer factory since before it opened last September. Yes, that's right, Barcelona's best wine bar (together with Monvínic) is by a beer... more »

It’s that calçotada time of year

by  |  25-02-2013

It could quite easily be said that it's a blessing to only have calçotadas for one season of the year. It is a feast which, at its very heart is massively intense, delicious, and one... more »

‘Tis the season for Tasta Porrera

by  |  16-11-2012 ~ 1 Comment

This past Saturday was the Tasta Porrera event in, yes you've guessed it, the small village of Porrera in Priorat, Catalonia. It was put on by the very sensibly named, Association of the wineries of... more »

Enotourism Day 2012 is coming!

by  |  04-11-2012 ~ 1 Comment

As declared by Recevin (the "European Network of Wine Cities") the second Sunday of November is officially Enotourism Day. That means that this November 11th, it's time to tour some cellars, drink some wine, and... more »

The Torroja harvest tasting

by  |  02-11-2012 ~ 4 Comments

I was fortunate enough to be in Priorat during the fall harvest party (or festa de la verema) that was put on by L'Infernal and Terroir al Límit this last week, in the small village... more »

Tasting DO Ribeiro wines at Mercat de Mercats

by  |  22-10-2012

Galician white wines have always been on our radar. Regions like Rias Baixas are better known outside of Galicia, but the DO Ribeiro has gained a great deal in fame in recent years, especially for... more »

Breakfast, tweets, and wine in the Priorat

by  |  18-10-2012

Earlier this month, we were invited to to take part in a a "Breakfast & Tweets" meetup at Hostal Sport in Falset, Priorat put together by two of the most active promoters of enotourism in... more »

La Quinta Essència dels Llops

by  |  02-10-2012

While we where in Priorat last weekend, our friend-in-blog, Ruth Troyano tipped us off to a promising event at the Falset castle, a historic building that has been turned in to a wine museum dashed... more »

And now, castellers

by  |  23-09-2012

[vimeo 50011489] It's not wine-related (although we tried something new from the Catalan Wine Fair afterwards) but if you haven't seen castellers before, here's a video we took in Plaça de Sant Jaume today. This... more »