Californian Wines

Premiere Napa Valley 2018

by  |  01-03-2018

February 24th marked the 21st annual Premiere Napa Valley auction. Following somewhat in the mold of Burgundy’s famous Hospice de Beaune, it’s a wine trade event that auctions off selected bottles or barrel lots donated... more »

A Judgment of Paris-y kind of tasting

by  |  26-02-2018

The “Judgment of Paris” is one of those things that anyone the least bit tinged with wine will most likely never let go of. Big events in wine are often only big to wine people,... more »

Dr. Carole Meredith, on social media and how to sell a little wine in a big market

by  |  23-10-2017

When Dr. Carole Meredith was interviewed for the documentary, "SOMM: Into the Bottle" she shot off a one liner about the wine industry, "Can there be any other business where there's so much bullshit?" It... more »

In The Glass: Marimar Estate – Don Miguel Vineyard 2012

by  |  30-08-2017

Marimar Estate is a Torres family venture that’s run my namesake, Marimar Torres in the gilded wine lands of California. Started in 1986, she’s built a solid winery business in the Sonoma Valley with wines... more »