Californian Wines
Photo from Tablas Creek

A taste and talk with Tablas Creek

by  |  03-02-2022

The first time I visited Paso Robles was in the early summer of 1994. I’d just graduated rom high school and found myself in possession of a car that was too fast for my age.... more »

A visit to Vine Hill Ranch

by  |  21-01-2022

When talking about vineyards in Napa Valley, inevitably one name will always come up: To-Kalon. Known for being the source of many sought-after wines and more infamously for being the source of protracted legal battles... more »

A look at The Language of Yes 2020

by  |  07-01-2022

I took advantage of being in California during the holidays to order and try the new “Language of Yes” wines coming from the Rancho Réal vineyard in Santa Barbara County. They’re being produced by legendary... more »

A book review of “On California”

by  |  18-11-2021

Following in the footsteps of, “On Bordeaux“, the Académie du Vin Library has now released a new book in a similar vein called, “On California“. While Bordeaux and California are on opposite sides of the... more »
Photo by Recaredo

Bringing the restaurant to the winery

by  |  28-09-2020

What’s a winery? When you arrive to Napa Valley for the first time, don’t be shocked that no winery has a restaurant at it. Why? Surely, there’s a great synergy to be found in having... more »

In The Glass: Jack Winery – Cabernet Sauvignon 2015

by  |  24-08-2020

My last trip to Napa Valley was for a wine writing symposium which meant staying in the valley for an entire week. For someone from San Francisco used to day trips up there, it was... more »

A book review of “Women Winemakers: Personal Odysseys”

by  |  14-05-2020

We’re at a point in time, where anyone who pulls out the “Some women in wine!” listicle on International Women’s Day needs to be shamed. Actually I take that back, they need to be pilloried... more »

Playing the game of Three-Cab Monte

by  |  14-02-2020

I was leading a tasting recently and out of random curiosity, one of the clients asked, “By the way, what Cabernet Sauvignons can you recommend?” I wasn’t really expecting that as we were tasting through... more »

The sale of Stony Hill, a unique corner of Napa Valley

by  |  30-08-2018

Sales of wineries are the jet fuel for the wine news that let’s them drop their news bombs and if there’s one specific type of sale more fuel-y than others, it’s a small winery in... more »

Continuum: How the Mondavis pressed on

by  |  14-05-2018

One of the grandest of sagas that took place in Napa Valley during the 20th century was the split between the original Mondavi brothers of Robert and Peter. Many a wine drinker will know the... more »