Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin

Miquel Hudin is a writer originally from California, based in Catalunya, Spain. He started his wine career in the Napa Valley which led to the founding of the Vinologue series of wine books in 2008 followed by Hudin.com in 2010. He received the Wine & Innovation Award 2020 from Millesima, was named Best Drink Writer of 2017 by the Fortnum & Mason Awards, and was the recipient of the 2016 Geoffrey Roberts Award. Profile photo by Dean Dubokovič

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In The Glass: Rough Day Rosé 2020

by  |  02-07-2021

And now for something a bit different: Bulgarian wine! And… yet the same: rosé! I think Fake Booze did an exceptionally tight take down on how banal writing... more »

Wines outside the lines: Bodegas Frontonio

by  |  30-06-2021

Alpartir, Spain isn’t a destination on any wine map of the country. Even in a non-wine context, I’d never heard a whisper of the place before. While it’s... more »

A review of “Vignes dans le rouge”

by  |  28-06-2021

I recently had the pleasure of viewing the new documentary, Vignes dans le rouge at this year’s Most Festival–one of, if not the only film festival in the... more »

The mightiness of Mencía

by  |  23-06-2021

For the June, 2021 edition of wine magazine World of Fine Wine, I’m happy to have contributed an extensive profile of the Spanish grape variety, Mencía. For those... more »
Map of new Cava zones, DO Cava

Spanish wine DO overs?

by  |  21-06-2021

Various news outlets have been circulating the new changes to DO Cava recently that are mainly about the application of subzone names and a change to the grouping... more »

The wines of DO Calatayud 2021

by  |  16-06-2021

My first encounter with DO Calatayud was picking up a wine over 15 years ago at a shop in San Francisco, thinking that it was from Catalunya. I... more »
Image from Researchgate.net

Biogenic amines, sulfites, headaches, & wine

by  |  14-06-2021 ~ 2 Comments

The research papers for Master of Wine candidates don't often receive a lot of attention once released for public consumption as they're quite focused and specialized, sometimes to... more »

Tomas Cusiné goes small

by  |  09-06-2021

While Costers del Segre may be one of Catalunya’s most unknown Denominations of Origin (DOs), one of the most active and driven producers within it is, Tomàs Cusiné... more »

Vi Novell 2020 for a fresh summer treat

by  |  07-06-2021

There is ironically nothing new about vi novell here on this site as I’ve happily written about this style of wine previously due to the push for the... more »

A fake anniversary for Fake Booze

by  |  01-06-2021

A few days back, Jim Budd posted a round up of his favorite articles from the new satirical drinks site, Fake Booze. I’d definitely add even a few... more »