Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin

Miquel Hudin is a writer originally from California, based in Catalunya, Spain. He started his wine career in the Napa Valley which led to the founding of the Vinologue series of wine books in 2008 followed by Hudin.com in 2010. He received the Wine & Innovation Award 2020 from Millesima, was named Best Drink Writer of 2017 by the Fortnum & Mason Awards, and was the recipient of the 2016 Geoffrey Roberts Award. Profile photo by Dean Dubokovič

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Photo by DOP Cebreros

DOP Cebreros hits a noteworthy milestone

by  |  28-10-2022

Most regions in Spain celebrate the end of the harvest with a deep exhalation and a press release celebrating the quality level (always Very Good or Excellent). There... more »

Sherry gets its newness made official

by  |  24-10-2022

There exists something of a “reg lag” when it comes to changes to European wine region laws. Folks in the wine community will often hear quite big changes... more »

Corpinnat calls for more transparent classifications

by  |  21-10-2022

In what was their first edition of “la Nit de Verema” (Harvest Night), Ton Mata, the president of Corpinnat called for immediate implementation of changes to the “Llei... more »

In The Glass: Defilippi i Gessi – Crocetta 2021

by  |  19-10-2022

This has been a year of the unforeseen (see: Russian invasion) but if you were to ask me what I wouldn’t have expected in a wine context, in... more »

Two very, very different Valdemars

by  |  17-10-2022

Indeed, they’re not truly on opposite ends of the world. Oion in the Rioja region of Spain, and Walla Walla in the state of Washington in the United... more »

Coffee and vines and everything changing

by  |  13-10-2022

For those who’ve not been, Galicia is hand’s down, the wettest region in all of Spain. They have average rainfall running from 800mm in the driest areas all... more »

Food Through Wine: Ferran Cerro, Reus, Catalunya

by  |  07-10-2022

A regular series that reviews dining through the lens of wine both good… and bad. Anyone who lives in Spain is lying to your face if they don’t... more »

A book review of “The Wine Bible 3rd Edition”

by  |  05-10-2022

When asked about what book one should read to start digging into wine, there are always two that immediately come to mind for me. The first is Jancis... more »

In The Glass: Elena Fucci Titolo 2019

by  |  03-10-2022

There remain those who may be convinced that wine choices of the future will all be via a “discovery engine“. The only way I’ll buy into that is... more »

The wines from Malvasia de Sitges 2022

by  |  28-09-2022

That there are 10,000 grape varieties in the world is daunting. That there are also the countless synonyms, madness. Here is the story of but one finding new... more »