Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin
Miquel Hudin

Miquel Hudin is a writer originally from California, based in Catalunya, Spain. He started his wine career in the Napa Valley which led to the founding of the Vinologue series of wine books in 2008 followed by Hudin.com in 2010. He received the Wine & Innovation Award 2020 from Millesima, was named Best Drink Writer of 2017 by the Fortnum & Mason Awards, and was the recipient of the 2016 Geoffrey Roberts Award. Profile photo by Dean Dubokovič

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And pop goes the Priorat

by  |  08-09-2023

The evening of the 19th of August was a Saturday and wasn’t cool by any means. The summer heat still crinkled and surrounded with an unpleasant touch on... more »

A book review of, “Eastern Promise”

by  |  06-09-2023

Over the summer arrived the fourth installment of the pseudonymous Peter Stafford-Bow's Felix Hart series called, "Eastern Promise". If you don't know these books, I suggest to go... more »

The wines of DOC Rioja 2023

by  |  05-09-2023

Approaching a tasting of Rioja is a good deal like venturing into an ancient city for me. There is a vastness to the place and a great wealth... more »

Vinovalie Sans Culotte Blanc 2020

by  |  01-09-2023

I won’t lie, there’s an excitement for me in discovering new wines and it’s why the core of this site is to “be wine curious.” I do realize... more »

A review of “Un vin dans les voiles”

by  |  30-08-2023

Documentaries in the wine world can be something of a tough order. Wine is, by its nature, rather boring to watch on a screen and infinitely more fun... more »

Château d’Arche, Bordeaux, France

by  |  28-08-2023

Bordeaux can be tricky to wrap one’s head around which is why it’s wonderful when you receive wines to taste that are simply very good and happen to... more »

About that cork taint

by  |  14-08-2023 ~ 6 Comments

In a recent article by Sean P. Sullivan he made mention that the unfortunate chemical compound, 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (AKA TCA or colloquially, 'cork taint') is in theory, on the... more »

Domaine Boisson, Cairanne, France

by  |  11-08-2023

It’s been some time since my last look at the wines of Cairanne, so it’s long overdue for a revisit. For those unfamiliar with this appellation in the... more »

A book review of, “The South America Wine Guide”

by  |  09-08-2023

Given how much wine information is online these days (for free…), it’s a fact that printed books have needed to reassert themselves to a certain degree and “The... more »

Eight Godello wines from Bierzo to know right now

by  |  07-08-2023

Over seven years ago, I wrote about Godello and said that “it’s at a crossroads in terms of its definition”. The reason behind that statement is that if... more »