
A book review of “On Bordeaux”
by Miquel Hudin | 18-12-2020
If there is one abusive phrase towards literature above all others it’s, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Thankfully, when it comes to the new book, On Bordeaux, I would say that you can... more »

The definitive wine guide for Christmas
by Ruth Spivey | 16-12-2020
Several years back, we published a definitive wine guide to American Thanksgiving. Here, Ruth Spivey deftly picks up the torch to take on British Christmas! Around this time of year every single wine journalist –... more »

Best Catalan wines of 2020
by Miquel Hudin | 14-12-2020
Versió catalana Despite the lunacy of this never-ending 2020 from hell and the cancellation of a slate of events I was to attend, I did manage to taste a lot of wines from various regions... more »

El millors vins catalans del 2020
by Miquel Hudin |
English version Malgrat la bogeria d’aquest any infernal interminable i la inevitable cancel·lació d’una sèrie d’esdeveniments als que tenia previst a assistir, tot i així he aconseguit tastar una gran quantita de vins de diferents... more »

Scala Dei’s Vi Ranci, the most “rancid” gem that you’ll ever want to own
by Miquel Hudin | 11-12-2020
Catalan vi ranci isn’t for the faint of heart. No, I’m not talking about those who drink it as is the case with something like Malört, but instead I’m talking about those who decide to... more »

The wines of DO Pla de Bages for 2020
by Miquel Hudin | 09-12-2020
For those who may not know it, DO Pla de Bages is Catalunya’s second-smallest denomination of origin (the first being DO Alella). How small does that make it? Well, it has 15 registered cellars, four... more »

Pre-release tasting of Terroir al Límit 2018 & thoughts on 2020
by Miquel Hudin | 04-12-2020
A few weeks ago, Terroir al Límit owner, Dominik Huber invited me up to his cellar in Torroja del Priorat for a tasting with him and head winemaker, Tatjana Pećerić. We tasted through the as-of-yet... more »

David & Nadia’s Grenache 2018… no wait, the Pinotage 2018 please
by Miquel Hudin | 02-12-2020
When not drinking locally from Catalunya or for that matter, Spain at large, we’ve been on something of a South African kick lately. That shouldn’t come as much of a surprise given that regions such... more »

ReWine & the bottle: Using a resource in plain sight
by Miquel Hudin | 30-11-2020 ~ 6 Comments
The memories are hazy from when I was a child walking into the first supermarket in my hometown. There was a glass front to the store which let in a stream of daylight. It always... more »

In The Glass: Raventós i Blanc – Textures de Pedra 2016
by Miquel Hudin | 27-11-2020
I’ve never been a tremendously big fan of blanc de noir Champagnes. Plop! goes the sound of each and every monocle in the room falling into every glass of Bollinger being sipped. But I feel... more »