
The wines of DO Calatayud 2021

by  |  16-06-2021

My first encounter with DO Calatayud was picking up a wine over 15 years ago at a shop in San Francisco, thinking that it was from Catalunya. I don’t know how many people may have... more »
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Biogenic amines, sulfites, headaches, & wine

by  |  14-06-2021 ~ 2 Comments

The research papers for Master of Wine candidates don't often receive a lot of attention once released for public consumption as they're quite focused and specialized, sometimes to a fault. It would however seem that... more »

Tomas Cusiné goes small

by  |  09-06-2021

While Costers del Segre may be one of Catalunya’s most unknown Denominations of Origin (DOs), one of the most active and driven producers within it is, Tomàs Cusiné located in the village of Vilosell, in... more »

Vi Novell 2020 for a fresh summer treat

by  |  07-06-2021

There is ironically nothing new about vi novell here on this site as I’ve happily written about this style of wine previously due to the push for the quality to be ever better each year.... more »

Cul de Cuvée 05-06-2021

by  |  05-06-2021

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random recent bits from around the wine and drink world. King Corona In “fine beer” news, Corona has been named, the World’s Most Valuable Beer Brand. This will come as... more »

A fake anniversary for Fake Booze

by  |  01-06-2021

A few days back, Jim Budd posted a round up of his favorite articles from the new satirical drinks site, Fake Booze. I’d definitely add even a few more in there as the humor valves... more »

Five wines from Tarragona to know right now

by  |  28-05-2021

The recent DO Tarragona report, showed that this is a region which can be a bit tricky to make sense of. It’s very large and has very distinct zones with a great many styles represented... more »

In The Glass: Olivier Rivière- Rayos Uva 2019

by  |  26-05-2021

I don’t know when, but someday we’ll look back from a vantage point far, far in the future and say, “So… why on earth did people think Rioja wines had to be almost all Tempranillo?”... more »

Priorat’s Fira del Vi 2021, changing for the times

by  |  24-05-2021

The Fira del Vi is the Priorat county’s annual wine fair for both appellations contained in it, DOQ Priorat as well as DO Montsant. Unfortunately, like all wine events in the spring of 2020, it... more »

The wines of DO Terra Alta in 2021

by  |  20-05-2021

Much has changed in DO Terra Alta since I compiled the last Tasting & Regional reports on the region in 2019 which is why I’m very happy to be releasing the 2021 Tasting Report today... more »