
Cul de Cuvée 25-09-2021

by  |  25-09-2021

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random recent bits from around the wine and drink world. Fresh-pressed hotness Word has spread that Idris Elba, the heartthrob that crosses all borders, ages, and who knows what else,... more »

Keeping wine, simply: The Repour

by  |  22-09-2021 ~ 3 Comments

Anyone who drinks wine often or works in the wine trade will have an abundance of corkscrews as well as gifts from anyone who sees them as a wine type person. Due to that, the... more »

That new cellar sound: A tour of Acústic’s new home

by  |  20-09-2021

Albert Jané founded Acústic Celler in DO Montsant back in 2004 and since then has seen his wines recognized throughout the wine world. This success in turn allowed him to start up Ritme Celler in... more »

Two years! New features!

by  |  16-09-2021 ~ 6 Comments

Welcome to a bit of newness here at As you can see, there's a very new look to site! Having run this site for over a decade, we launched a subscription-based version in 2019... more »

Cul de Cuvée 11-09-2021

by  |  11-09-2021

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random recent bits from around the wine and drink world. Get that dog a koala It appears that now whilst watching your dog, you can also be looking at some... more »

A book review of “Viking in the Vineyard”

by  |  09-09-2021

Here we have the memoir of Peter Vinding-Diers, a winemaker whose career has spanned over half a century–to date. Why the title of “Viking in the Vineyard“? That’s due to the fact he’s originally Danish... more »

Spanning the years in Abadia de Poblet

by  |  07-09-2021

Up until the mid-19th century, wineries and monasteries were more often than not, the same thing. This came about as wine was something made by monastic orders for prayer and totally in no way because... more »

In The Glass: Bodegas San Alejandro – Evodia 2019

by  |  03-09-2021

This is a wine I tasted at Bodegas San Alejandro for the DO Calatayud Report last spring. Quite simply, it’s 100% Grenache, aged in concrete (tanks and eggs) with only neutral French and American oak... more »

The wine trains of Spain

by  |  01-09-2021

For those coming to Spain I’ve noticed that there’s a tendency to underestimate just how big Spain actually is. Spoiler, it’s big, like, California big but squarish instead of rectangularish. Travelers often think it’s a... more »

Cul de Cuvée 14-08-2021

by  |  14-08-2021

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random recent bits from around the wine and drink world. A short note before getting into this week’s round up, in that we’ll be going on “vacation” for the rest... more »