
In The Glass: Diana V. Silva – Ilha Tinta Negra 2018

by  |  15-12-2021

There are two things that connect me with the Portuguese island of Madeira. The first is familial as my great-grandmother was from there. Like any rootless Caucasian American I suppose that gives me some kind... more »

A book review of “Inside Burgundy 2nd Ed.”

by  |  13-12-2021

“Hotly anticipated” is a phrase that’s more than a bit overused in the world of wine books. I mean, they’re books and they’re about wine. We’re not talking about Harry Potter sequels here. But if... more »

Cul de Cuvée 11-12-2021

by  |  11-12-2021

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random recent bits from around the wine and drink world. Oreos? Oh, gloreos! The big news in the wine world has of course been the Oreo wine by Barefoot. Designed... more »

Best Spanish wines of 2021

by  |  08-12-2021

For the first time I’m doing a Best Spanish Wines list which is accompanying my yearly Best Catalan Wines list. Why are they separate? Some may assume it’s some kind of political statement but the... more »

Best Catalan wines of 2021

by  |  06-12-2021

At the end of each year, I like to look back at all the wines I’ve tasted and pick out those in Catalunya that were either outstanding or represented something notable within various regions. This... more »

Understanding DO Penedès’s ‘Vi de Mas’ certification

by  |  03-12-2021

Last week, an article I wrote for Decanter covered a rather massive number of changes that DO Penedès has planned up through 2030. Some of the highlights are: All vineyards fully-certified as organic by 2025... more »

Pre-tasting DOQ Priorat 2020

by  |  30-11-2021

A feeling washed over me when I was tasting the wines for the DO Tarragona report earlier this year. Despite being exceedingly young wines at the time from a region that’s one of Catalunya’s less... more »

In The Glass: Susana Esteban – Sem Vergonha 2018

by  |  25-11-2021

This has been such a strange year in terms of the wine harvest where I’m based in Priorat. Due to a cooler summer, everyone was just sitting around, waiting and waiting to start, but unable... more »

10 Roussillon red wines to know right now

by  |  23-11-2021

While my 2021 Roussillon report came out a few weeks ago, I’m sure there are many people still confronted with a bit of a “wha?” reaction when digging into the region. With some 450+ wineries... more »

A book review of “On California”

by  |  18-11-2021

Following in the footsteps of, “On Bordeaux“, the Académie du Vin Library has now released a new book in a similar vein called, “On California“. While Bordeaux and California are on opposite sides of the... more »