
Cul de Cuvée 06-05-2023

by  |  06-05-2023

A bluntly-curated selection of absolutely random bits from around the world of drink. Always served up “mostly fresh” for your enjoyment. Okay everyone, we need to have a little talk about boxed wine. Like many... more »

Catching up with Herència Altés

by  |  03-05-2023

It was shortly after Herència Altés fully moved into their new cellar that I paid them a visit to see what they were working on in this sleek, modern space just off the N-420 highway... more »

New winery “incubator” opening in Penedès

by  |  01-05-2023

For anyone wanting to start up a winery, it’s an undeniable fact that the costs are onerous. Once you’ve secured a source of grapes via planting or buying (neither a small task), then you need... more »