
Wine Folly’s “Spanish Wine Exploration” and lack of accuracy

by  |  30-06-2016 ~ 3 Comments

"Wine Folly's content is often inaccurate, exceedingly narrow, and horribly derivative." states a reviewer name W. Hughes on Amazon. His review is for the Wine Folly book which I would have to agree with as... more »

Talking with Jancis Robinson about wine and time

by  |  29-06-2016 ~ 1 Comment

I'm often surprised to find North Americans outside of wine circles who haven't heard of Jancis Robinson as in the UK & Europe (yes, we unfortunately must refer to them as such now) she's an... more »

Trepat, Catalonia’s “Pinot Noir”?

by  |  28-06-2016

It's always a minefield to compare one wine grape to another, especially when styles around the world vary so much but in terms of Catalonia's Trepat grape and Pinot Noir, there are more aspects than... more »

Traveling with wine & peace of mind: The VinGardeValise

by  |  27-06-2016

If I'm traveling, I pretty much always find myself traveling with wine and doing what I assume most people did which was to wrap bottles in my dirty laundry on the way back. Beyond a... more »

In The Glass: Mas Oller – Plus 2013

by  |  24-06-2016

It was more than 6 years ago that I first visited Mas Oller. It was so long ago that I remember having trouble finding them due to a lack of sign at the time and... more »
Photo by Julia Claxton

English still wines, on the other hand

by  |  23-06-2016

Given that today is the so-called, "Brexit" vote, it's probably only fitting to talk a bit more about the wines of England that I tasted during the ICCWS 2016 in Brighton. After all, if the... more »

Castellroig, for example

by  |  22-06-2016 ~ 1 Comment

As I've written before, I get very tired of people comparing Cava to Champagne and decidedly stating that Cava is in no way at the same level. This doesn't take into account price as well... more »

What makes Sakartvelo (Georgian) wines so difficult

by  |  16-06-2016 ~ 7 Comments

Before heading on trip to Georgia (country, not US state...) I started to read up more on the various regions and wines to have a better idea of what I was heading in to. Of... more »

Wine without wine

by  |  13-06-2016 ~ 1 Comment

Captain Jean-Luc Picard: This the '46? Robert Picard: '47. You've been drinking too much of that artificial stuff. What do you call it? Synthehol? Spoiled you. Ruined your palate. Captain Jean-Luc Picard: On the contrary.... more »

Winexpo to kvevri, the state of Georgian wine

by  | 

This past June 3rd-5th marked the 9th annual Winexpo held in Tbilisi, Georgia. This wine fair, open to both professionals and the general public, provides a great opportunity for any and all interested in the... more »