
Defining “wine bar”

by  |  31-03-2015

What seems like a century ago but was really just in 2008, I wrote a smacky little article on my personal website about my frustration with wine bars in San Francisco. Despite not being the... more »

Going for some Vin’Aquí in Roussillon

by  |  27-03-2015

While there are many wine fairs in Spain, they're generally a spotty affair wherein the winemakers pay a great deal to attend, the attendees have to buy booklets of "drinking" tickets that make each tasting... more »

Tasting Cat Negre 2012

by  |  24-03-2015

A couple of months ago I wrote that 10 Sentits had released a new wine called, Cat Negre. A blend of selections from 10 Grenache vineyards from the 10 denominations of origin in Catalonia (minus... more »

Torelló’s Cava & the Cabernet Sauvignon problem

by  |  22-03-2015

The Girona chapter of the Catalan Sommelier Association was gracious enough to invite me to attend one of their vertical tastings of a Cava and a red from the cellar Torelló in DO Penedès last... more »

Domaine de Nalys

by  |  16-03-2015

It was a bit over a year ago that I encountered Domaine de Nalys at Vinisud in Montpellier. The wines stood out as they had more white wines than any other winery and on top... more »

In The Glass: Domaine de Clovallon – Palagret 2012

by  |  14-03-2015

I spent the better part of this week just north of Manchester, furthering my wine education (as any who are serious in the study must do) at the very lovely Northcote hotel & restaurant. On... more »

Clos Mogador 2012

by  |  07-03-2015

Most anyone who knows Priorat wines knows the story of Clos Mogador. If not, buy the book. The winery is as much Priorat as Priorat is it. That's an oversimplification and a bit ridiculous but... more »

Wines from a Stone

by  |  05-03-2015

I offer up the profile of two wines from Vins de Pedra. A well-known winery from Empordà is La Vinyeta and is run by husband and wife team Josep Serra (who is originally from the... more »