
Alta Alella Privat – Laietà 2011

by  |  30-12-2014

Awhile back I had written an article about DO Alella needing a "killer wine" and by that I didn't mean that they needed to have a mind blowing wine produced from the region but more... more »

Returning to the original grape

by  |  29-12-2014

Last Friday in the Guardian, an article ran about the efforts to save the native wine grapes of the world. It focused mostly on Spaniard, Fernando Martínez de Toda and his quest to preserve what... more »

The young Châteauneuf in Domaine la Barroche

by  |  23-12-2014

I initially met Julien Barrot at Vinisud 2014. I came away with a good impression of this young winemaker as well as a bottle sample that was enjoyed with writer and sommelier friends here in... more »

In The Glass – Caralluna del Montgrí Vi Gees 2013

by  |  22-12-2014

Rafel Faixedas and Carles Xuriguera are two comedians in Catalonia. A few years back they planted some vineyards near the village of Vulpellac in Baix Empordà which sits a touch south of Montgrí Massif (nice... more »

Celler Comalats

by  |  21-12-2014

When it comes to wine regions in Catalonia, DO Costers del Segre doesn't get a lot of love. Spread out over various chunks in the most remote province of the region (and the only one... more »

Ficaria Vins goes full organic

by  |  17-12-2014

About the only words that come to mind when talking about Ficaria Vins are positive and gushing. The village of the winery, La Figuera is one of the most charming in the Priorat comarca. The... more »

A San Francisco tasting of San Juan, Argentina

by  |  16-12-2014

While blasting through San Francisco in September and enjoying bruschetta at Biondivino, I stopped in at a one day tasting of wines from San Juan, Argentina. In general, most Argentine wines I find are from... more »

A non-stuffy reason to drink red wine

by  |  13-12-2014

It's the time of year when you start reading articles about how to avoid colds and flus (you probably can't) and start taking no end of supplements that supposedly ward off the pesky viruses (they... more »

10 Sentits is back with Cat Negre 2012

by  |  11-12-2014

In Catalonia there exists a a marauding group of enologs who go anonymously as the "10 sentits" or "10 senses". I've met some who know a member or two, but it seems that no one... more »

In The Glass – Lo Coster Blanc 2013

by  |  10-12-2014

There is something of a misconception with this white from Priorat. Those who encounter it (production is less than 500 bottles a year) usually think that it's the white from Sangenís i Vaqué. The truth... more »