
Radević Estate, a new Montenegrin winery

by  |  25-11-2013

If you've tasted wine from Montenegro, then more than likely you've tasted one made by Plantaže winery. This is due to their having some 11 million vines on 2,300ha of land and producing 17 million... more »

A unique tasting/streaming of Finos Palmas in Barcelona

by  |  22-11-2013

Being that I am a quasi-neophyte in the world of Sherry, I will jump at the opportunity to join any tasting event to further my education of this generally delicious but generally unappreciated Spanish wine... more »

Tasting and visiting Clai

by  |  05-11-2013 ~ 2 Comments

A little while back, we had the chance to traipse around Istria and catch up on many of the wineries that we either weren't able to see or simply didn't exist during our last visit... more »