
The sweet, irrational fear

by  |  30-10-2012

We came across this article the other day and were dismayed by its opening lines: Who’s afraid of sweet wine? Nearly everyone — except, perhaps, the people who make it. It's a rather unworldly thing... more »

The Priorat wine glass

by  |  28-10-2012

There is something to be said for a wine region's fame when it even has stemware specifically designed for it. This is the case of DOQ Priorat in Catalonia, a region that now enjoys its... more »

5/X, a Catalan Pinot in Spain

by  |  23-10-2012

If you were to ask, "Have you tried this Spanish Pinot Noir?" Most people would probably puff up their chests and answer, "Oh, I'm sure you mean Tempranillo, no?" as the concept of Pinot coming... more »

Tasting DO Ribeiro wines at Mercat de Mercats

by  |  22-10-2012

Galician white wines have always been on our radar. Regions like Rias Baixas are better known outside of Galicia, but the DO Ribeiro has gained a great deal in fame in recent years, especially for... more »

Breakfast, tweets, and wine in the Priorat

by  |  18-10-2012

Earlier this month, we were invited to to take part in a a "Breakfast & Tweets" meetup at Hostal Sport in Falset, Priorat put together by two of the most active promoters of enotourism in... more »

In The Glass: Irouleguy Arrola 2010

by  |  17-10-2012

This is a quite different wine than what we're generally used to as it's a Basque wine from the French side of Basque Country in the small town of Saint-Étienne-de-Baïgorry. This Arrola from Irouleguy is... more »

A wine educator that’s certifiable?

by  |  16-10-2012

Certification programs whether they be Sommelier, Master Taster, Supreme Wine... I don't know... Drinker, seem to be popping up faster than CO2 during initial fermentation these days. In the US, random certifications are like opinions... more »

A winding road to Mas Sinén

by  |  12-10-2012

Upon arriving in the charming 12th century village of Poboleda, in the middle of Priorat, the exact direction you need to go in order to get to Mas Sinén (where Celler Burgos Porta is located)... more »

When the cork fails

by  |  08-10-2012

With all of the Tumblrs out there like Rich Cats of Instagram, Stuff on my dog's head, or belated "dear leader" Kim Jong Il Looking at Things, I can't believe that there isn't "Cork Fail"... more »

Garage cellers of Capçanes

by  |  03-10-2012

It was a dark and stormy night, the clouds tossing out more rain than they had all year. Several days prior, amidst sun and the end of the harvest, word came down that three barrels... more »